Monday, November 29, 2010


· Cost of living: Your income plus 10%
· Drunk: what you are when you can't decide if the glass is half empty or half full. ;D
· Language: something created to satisfy our need to complain..
· Company policy: The corporate equivalent of your parents saying "because I said so !"
· change: what women expect the men they marry will do & men expect the women they marry won't.
· Truth: something that's always stranger then fiction, since fiction is obliged to stick to the possibilities..
· Confidence: The feeling you have before you understand the situation.
· Calorie: A measurement used to access the popularity of food.
· Wedding: The merger of love & war.
· Reorganization: A method for creating the illusions of progress, while producing inefficiency and demoralization.
· College: A place where papa pays & son plays.
· Raise: A monetary amount large enough to increase your taxes, yet small enough to have no effect on your take-home pay.
· Responsibility: What you should accept if, and only if, they have photographic evidence
· Pessimist: An optimist with experience.
· Mystery: The fact that eggs are full of cholesterol but chickens are not.
· Perspective: the ability to see three sides of a coin.
· Job: A place where you work just hard enough to avoid getting fired while getting paid just enough to avoid quitting.
· Thinking: Something that should be related to speaking in the same way that chewing is related to eating.
· Loss: what you do if you buy a life insurance and then live
· Clerk: The person responsible for distribution of funny cartoons to every department.
· Improvement: A word that should begin with you instead of I.
· Impossibility: keeping your mind and mouth open at the same time.
· Illiterate: someone who make grammatical errors even in their dreams.
· Blunder: A phenomenal idea with a disastrous outcome.
· History: The only thing Adam & Eve didn't have to learn.
· Enlightenment: A state of mind that is achievable only by first being young & stupid.
· Boss: Is a person who always early when you are late and always late when you are early.
· Brain: The device with which you think you think.
· Complain: To explain the pain for no gain.

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